PERTH-WELLINGTON – As part of our Federal Election coverage, we will be running a special feature over the next three weeks, asking regional candidates questions related to their party platforms. This is the second of our three part feature.
Irma DeVries – Christian Heritage Party
- What’s the best way to address housing affordability and the rising cost of living?
Our national debt is a problem that is draining Canadians of their hard-earned money, which could otherwise be used in affordable housing, etc. The Fraser Institute claims that, in 2013, servicing our debt used up over 11% of our total revenue. CHP Canada would begin repayment of our national debt as a homeowner repays their mortgage. We would also begin the process of transferring our loans from debts to banks and foreign entities into low cost loans issued through the Bank of Canada.
What is your position on the “media bailout” funds included in the 2019 federal budget? Is there a better way to support traditional media sources?
CHP does not support government funding of the media as it produces a conflict of interest for the media, in that they will not bite the hand that feeds it. If people no longer wish to receive the traditional form of media then it is up to the media to change so it offers what people want to read. We see changes happening as the media responds to a changing market. This should be done as any business – not at taxpayer expense and not at the expense of unbiased media.
Summarize your personal view on climate change and the best way to address it.
Climate always changes. Ontario was once covered with an Ice Age. As ice retreated, exposing the tundra, the animals adapted or became extinct. Could man have stopped this natural lifecycle? What we do know is that man has affected water, air and land quality. We can and we must find alternatives that protect water, which is vital for all life; air, which is vital for all life; and our land, which is essential for food production. Let’s protect ourselves and control these pollutions. CO2 is not a pollutant. CHP opposes carbon taxes.

John Nater, Conservative Party
- What’s the best way to address housing affordability and the rising cost of living?
We’ve been paying more for gasoline, home heating, hydro, housing, and much more. We must address the rising cost of living. We can start by trusting people with their own money. With the Conservatives’ Universal Tax Cut, the average Canadian family will save over $850 per year. Also in our plan: tax credits for children’s fitness and arts programs; tax-free maternity benefits; increasing the age credit for seniors by $1,000; and removing the federal tax on home heating. We would also introduce four new measures to make it easier for first-time homebuyers to buy a home.
What is your position on the “media bailout” funds included in the 2019 federal budget? Is there a better way to support traditional media sources?
No government should have the power to determine which media outlets get payouts, and which ones get nothing. That is, essentially, the $600-million Liberal bailout plan. Many see it as a threat to a free and independent press.
Here in Perth-Wellington, we are fortunate to have a dedicated and trustworthy local media. We depend on them for the information we need to be informed citizens. They perform an invaluable service, and I would encourage everyone to keep reading and subscribing. Already existing federal programs should also be re-evaluated so that newspapers without paid circulations are not penalized.
- Summarize your personal view on climate change and the best way to address it.
Climate change is real and requires immediate action. Andrew Scheer’s plan would require the biggest polluters to reduce their carbon output or invest in new green technologies. It is also a global problem requiring global solutions. For that, we must restore Canadian leadership on the world stage. Imposing additional taxes on people in our riding—who may have no choice but to drive to work or transport their crops to elevators—will make no meaningful difference in reducing emissions. It will just make life even more expensive. You can read the Conservative plan for the environment at
Collan Simmons, Green Party
- What’s the best way to address housing affordability and the rising cost of living?
Housing is everyone’s largest cost. The Green Party wants to make housing a protected right. To improve housing affordability, we will fund non-profit housing cooperatives for seniors, low-income families, and those with special needs. We will also restore tax incentives for purpose-built rental housing. Foreign investment in our real estate market has falsely elevated the costs of housing across Canada. We need to make sure housing is available for Canadians, not just an investment for someone else.
What is your position on the “media bailout” funds included in the 2019 federal budget? Is there a better way to support traditional media sources?
We need independent unbiased journalism for political accountability. The “media bailout” as it was introduced has some flaws, including lack of objectivity on the Journalism and Written Media Independent panel of experts. The media are a unique group that has a broad reach and influence with the Canadian public. It will be important that the offer of a “media bailout”, proposed by one party does not influence election coverage in the media during this election. I also agree with Elizabeth May’s suggestion that government dollars for advertising should be concentrated in newspapers, which are struggling.
- Summarize your personal view on climate change and the best way to address it.
Climate change is the reason I joined the Green Party. If we don’t change what we’re doing as a nation, and as the people of this planet, soon there will be life changing consequences. The most common green house gases stay around for decades, so we need to decrease our emissions now! To meet 2030 goals, we should stop oil and gas subsidies, ban fracking, and upgrade our electricity generation. In 2017, just to extract our oil and gas, 200 of the 700 megatons of CO2 nationally were emitted! That is most of what we need to meet 2030 goals!

Pirie Mitchell
- What’s the best way to address housing affordability and the rising cost of living?
The best way to address affordability is to make sure that those who receive help are the people who need it most. The Canada Child Benefit gives more money to nine out of 10 families and has already helped lift 300,000 children out of poverty. Climate Action Incentive payments offset carbon pricing. This means the government can encourage lower greenhouse gas emissions without putting a financial burden on households. To limit the housing speculation that can drive up home prices, Liberals will implement a consistent national tax on vacant residential properties owned by non-Canadians who don’t live in Canada.
What is your position on the “media bailout” funds included in the 2019 federal budget? Is there a better way to support traditional media sources?
As stated in the 2019 budget: “A strong and independent news media is crucial to a well-functioning democracy.” The proposed Liberal media plan consists mainly of tax breaks for news organizations’ labour costs and a 15 per cent tax credit to digital subscribers. To protect the independence of the media, an independent body will be responsible for administering the program. In order to be eligible, media organizations must focus primarily on original news content such as current events or general interest.
Summarize your personal view on climate change and the best way to address it.
We can no longer put off dealing with the effects of global warming. Climate change is a critical issue affecting all of us. We must work together to find sustainable solutions that are good for both the environment and the economy. We owe it to our grandchildren and their grandchildren. The Liberal government has a detailed climate plan that includes innovation, research and putting a price on pollution. We must also protect the extraordinary nature, parks and wild spaces that we all enjoy. Canada is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, let’s keep it that way.

Geoff Krauter
- What’s the best way to address housing affordability and the rising cost of living?
Real estate speculation and money laundering have created panic in our housing markets. The NDP will institute a foreign buyers tax and create a public beneficial ownership registry to identify suspicious transactions and increase transparency about who owns property. The NDP will build 500,000 affordable new housing units, waive taxes on new affordable rental units, and allow new buyers to purchase a home as a group. We will re-introduce the 30-year term on CMHC mortgages. Additionally, our platform includes universal pharmacare protection and saving for society’s most vulnerable.
What is your position on the “media bailout” funds included in the 2019 federal budget? Is there a better way to support traditional media sources?
The NDP supports investing in local media and assisting traditional outlets with making a digital transition. New Democrats believe in the critical importance of independent Canadian media and protection of working journalists. In order to financially support Canadian media, Jagmeet Singh has suggested that the government stop supporting media giants like Google and Facebook with their advertising dollars. Spending federal money in local media in Canada, would be a much better use of our public dollars.
Summarize your personal view on climate change and the best way to address it.
Climate change is the pre-eminent threat to our survival. We should transition as soon as possible to renewable zero-carbon energy. The Green New Deal for Canadians will create 300,000 new jobs in the renewable energy sector, and target the creation of made-in-Canada zero emission vehicles. We will foster stable funding for available and accessible public transit, prioritizing rural intercity bus routes. By retrofitting existing housing and other buildings, we will dramatically reduce our carbon footprint. We will eliminate subsidies currently paid to oil producers.
Roger Fuhr, People’s Party of Canada
- What’s the best way to address housing affordability and the rising cost of living?
We will raise the personal tax exemption to $15,000 which will put more money into the hands of Canadians. We will also simplify the tax system to only two personal income tax rates. 15% tax from $15,001 to $100,000 income and 25% tax for $100,001 and over. This will assist those most vulnerable in society and ensure that the more fortunate ones are paying their fair share.
What is your position on the “media bailout” funds included in the 2019 federal budget? Is there a better way to support traditional media sources?
The media bailout funds should be discontinued. We will rescind the federal funding to the CBC who engage in unfair competition with other media sources. All private media have had to make deep cuts and lay off journalists by the hundreds in the past few years because the CBC gets a head start with more than $1 billion in taxpayers money. This practice must end.
Summarize your personal view on climate change and the best way to address it.
Climate change is a fact and always has been. There is no scientific consensus on the theory that CO2 produced by human activity is causing dangerous global warming today, or will in the future, and that the world is facing environmental catastrophes unless these emissions are drastically reduced. We will abolish the carbon tax and allow provincial governments to choose to adopt programs if they wish.