Orton hosts Canada Day BBQ and firework display

ORTON – The Orton Community Association is inviting residents to their annual Canada Day Chicken Dinner and Fireworks Display, on July 1. 

The event will be at the Orton Community Park.

Dinner, games and fireworks are promised, rain or shine.

Prices are $20 for a half chicken, and $20 for a double dark quarter. 

The event can hold 600 sittings which will be provided at 5 and 6pm.

Online orders must be in before June 27, take-out dinners are available. 

The association is asking attendees to provide their own containers to reduce waste. 

The fireworks will begin at dusk.

There will also be a 50/50 draw, local vendor market, golf cart trials and a snack bar.

Cash or e-transfer is accepted for online orders. 

For more information or to order online visit orton-community.com.