Optimists, township at odds

A proposed addition to the Moorefield Optimist Club build­ing sparked a bit of controversy last week over the usage of the facility.

Councillors had no problem with a proposed $15,500 addition – at the club’s cost – but were concerned the building is taking away business from the nearby Moore­field community centre. The club plans to construct a 16-by-8-foot, one stor­ey addi­tion to accommodate a storage area that was lost when it tore down the drying tower that was part of the old fire hall. The club also plans a 15-by-8-foot shaded patio.

Councillor Mike Downey said, “The only contentious issue is it’s running in direct competition with the community hall.”

Past club president Greg Ham­mond disagreed. He said the Optimist building has hosted family reunions, but the club does not accept events for more than 40 people, so it is not really in competition.

But, Downey said the agreement between the township and the club specifically states the Optimist building is to be used for club meetings only – not private functions.

Optimist member Cal Deen said the club does not advertise for events at its building, and in no way wants to hurt the business of the community hall. “We value our community there,’ Deen said.

Mayor John Green said the issue of use at the Optimist facility has been ongoing for several years, so “maybe it’s time to revisit the agreement.”

Councillor Bruce Whale, citing the relationship the town­ship has with the Alma Op­timists, asked if the Moore­field club would be open to taking over the community hall.

“I doubt it very much,” Hammond replied. He does not feel the club is doing anything inappropriate. “I think our club has done a very good job with that building.”

Councillor Jim Curry commended the club on the work it is planning. As a member of a service club Curry realizes how much $15,500 is to raise for such a club.

But Downey said it is not right people are having re­unions, and possibly other events, at the building because they don’t want to spend money on the community hall.

“It’s not about picking on a service club, by any means,” Downey said.

Mayor John Green asked council to first deal with the proposed addition to the building. Council voted 3-1 in favour and waived the permit fee, with Downey opposed.

Later, Down­ey again brought up the issue of usage at the Optimist building. He ask­ed if council is going to address the matter or “continue to be jellyfish.” He wants a review of the agreement with the Optimist Club.

Clerk Patty Sinnamon confirmed that she has sent letters to the club about the issue in the past, with little results. She suggested the club meet with herself and Public Works Dir­ector Larry Lynch to discuss the matter. Green said that was a good idea.

Downey noted the township can only afford so many buildings. He said, “The problem’s only going to get worse.”

