OPP warn of scams

Every day across the province of Ontario, someone is scammed out of money or personal information by thieves.

Yet in all of these cases, not one home was broken into, according to OPP.

That is because thieves no longer need to break into your home to steal your money or personal information; they are already inside.

Every time you turn on your computer there is another opportunity for someone to send you an email asking for money or personal information and sadly, victims are providing it without fighting back.

The OPP is asking all citizens to join them in the “fight” to prevent identity theft and all other scams by keeping these criminals out of your home.

OPP offer these simple tips to keep thieves at bay:

– do not give out personal information on the phone, through the mail or over the internet, unless you have initiated the contact or know who you are dealing with;

– never give your Social Insurance Number (SIN) unless absolutely necessary.  Ask to use other types of identifiers when possible and always know who you are dealing with;

– do not be pressured to provide any information to email requests or phone requests.  Just hang up; and

– report any suspicious emails or phone calls to your local police department immediately.

Police say you wouldn’t allow a thief into your front door, why would you allow them entry through your computer?

“They have no business calling or emailing your home.  Let us know when they do,” police say.

