OPP issue advice on handling malfunctioning four-way flashing lights

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are reminding motorists that travelling during and after storms can be extremely hazardous and to try and avoid doing so until after a storm has passed.  

Quite often following severe weather, traffic signals may malfunction or not work at all, police note. OPP remind motorists to treat all intersections without functioning traffic signals as four-way stops and note and state it is imperative that motorists obey the rules of the road to in order to maintain safe traffic flow on all Wellington County roadways.

In the event of malfunctioning traffic signals – obey four-way stop rules;

– bring your vehicle to a complete stop, look both ways and then proceed when it is safe to do so.

– if two vehicles approach the intersection from different roadways at the same time, the driver on the left must yield to the vehicle on his or her right;

–  if the traffic light is flashing red in all directions treat intersection as a four-way stop;

– sometimes police officers are posted at traffic lights to assist with traffic flow and prevent collisions. Follow the instructions of the officers.

Protect yourself and others by staying alert behind the wheel, police advise. Obey traffic signals when they’re working properly and know the rules of the road when they are not.  These rules may save your life, police state.
