Sorbara Development Group in co-operation with Centre Wellington Township is holding a public open house on Aug. 27 from 5pm to 8pm, regarding the North West Fergus Secondary Plan and Colborne Street Class Environmental Assessment (EA).
The open house (drop in) is at the Centre Wellington Sportsplex – Community Hall (550 Belsyde Avenue, Fergus), Boardrooms A and B.
In 2007 and 2008, Sorbara Development Group held three open houses regarding a Class Environmental Assessment process for the realignment of Colborne Street.
The re-alignment is to eliminate the deficient curves at the west side of the study area.
A preliminary preferred alternative for the re-alignment of Colborne Street through the Secondary Plan area was identified at that time, which led to the development of a preferred Secondary Plan.
Late in 2008, the project was put on hold as discussions with the County of Wellington took place surrounding the impact of the ‘Places to Grow’ legislation on the Secondary Plan.
Since that time, a Land Use Plan for Wellington Place to the south of the site has been developed, within which the new Groves Hospital will be situated.
Sorbara Development Group reinitiated the Secondary Plan and Environmental Assessment process in 2012 with open houses which considered improvements to the Colborne Street alignment between Gerrie Road and Beatty Line.
In addition, the alignment of a north-south collector road through the Secondary Planning area from Colborne Street to Beatty Line was also assessed.
At the second open house held, a preliminary preferred alignment for Colborne Street and the North-South Collector Road were presented.
The primary purpose of this final open house is to:
(a) provide a summary of the feedback received at the October 2, 2012 open house
(b) identify a final preferred alternative alignment for both Colborne Street and the north-south collector road within the Secondary Planning Area
(d) display a preliminary land use plan for the Secondary Planning Area based on the final preferred alternative alignment
The public open house will include display boards of the above information that are available for viewing.
Representatives from the consulting team for the Secondary Plan and Class EA will be available to discuss the projects and to answer questions.