OMB hearing to continue in early April

Residents awaiting the results of an OMB hearing about a proposed 750-unit development between Fergus and Elora on South River Road are going to have to wait a bit longer.

The hearing began on Jan. 29 in the Centre Wellington council chamber in Elora  and was scheduled for two weeks. Now the hearing will continue April 3 to 6.

Township CAO Andy Goldie said the hearing was delayed simply to provide more time for the proceedings.

The hearing affects two proposed subdivisions on the eastern edge of the built-up area of Elora and within the Elora-Salem urban boundary. They could include up to 750 homes on about 100 acres.

Since 2016, Centre Wellington and Wellington County have been parties to an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) appeal regarding development applications from Bruce Youngblood and 1238576 Ontario Ltd. and from Haylock Farm Ltd.

The developers, which launched the OMB appeal, argue Centre Wellington refused or neglected to make a decision regarding the proposals.

A Jan. 29 township press release notes that since then, the county and township have employed a team of experts in hydrogeology, geoscience, ecology, forestry, municipal infrastructure, stormwater management, traffic, cultural heritage, urban design and land use planning.

