Old weigh scale building lease cancelled for BIA

Centre Wellington’s committee of the whole has cancelled its lease of the old weigh scale building in downtown Fergus with the Fergus Business Improvement Area.

Treasurer Wes Snarr said in a report to council the BIA had entered into a lease agreement for the building with the township in 2007.

BIA chairman Jackie Fraser said in a letter the organization thanks council for allowing it to use the building as an office for many years.

She wrote to clerk Marion Morris, “As you know, the Fergus BIA has undergone a major transformation over the past year and no longer has paid staff.

“As a board of volunteers, we no longer require a physical office to operate in. We hope that the building continues to serve as an information centre and public washroom facility for visitors to downtown Fergus.”

Councillor Kelly Linton asked who looks after the public washrooms at the building.

Public works director Ken Elder said his department has someone do that, hired on an annual basis.

Councillor Mary Lloyd wondered if the township will be looking for a new tenant.

Elder said his department is not doing that. He explained part of the building was used to store cleaning supplies and the BIA had put in a wall for its space.

Now, he said, the entire building will be used for storage. Council agreed to terminate the lease.

