OFA survey will inform its ‘cultivating local’ project

ONTARIO – The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is conducting a survey as part of the new Cultivating Local: Seizing Opportunities to Grow Ontario’s Local Agri-Products Sector project. 

The project was developed in response to demand and growing interest in seizing local selling opportunities (e.g., direct-to-consumer sales, value-added agriculture, and agritourism).

The federation encourages people to participate to better understand the needs of current and prospective Ontario farmers interested in, or already engaged in, local selling opportunities.

Findings from the survey are set to be used to inform the workshops and resources being developed.

Responses will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form.

The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete. 

Please complete this survey by the end of day on Sept. 16. The OFA appreciate’s the feedback.

For more information, visit ofa.on.ca/cultivating-local.