OFA joins SWIFT initiative

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is now a member of SouthWestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT). The OFA is the largest general farm organization in Ontario, representing 37,000 farm families across the province.

The SWIFT initiative is based on the same principle of distributed economic development, which is the idea that development in one part of Ontario will benefit the whole province, officials note.

“By working to improve ultra-high-speed fibre optic internet access for more than 3.5 million Ontarians, SWIFT is increasing fairness and opportunity for everyone. The project is leveraging over $180 million in combined investments by the federal and provincial governments and over $17 million in investments by municipalities across the region,” the organization states in a Jan. 18 press release.

SWIFT is a not-for-profit, collective broadband initiative that is funding the construction of an affordable, open-access, ultra high-speed fibre-optic regional broadband network for everyone in southwestern Ontario, Caledon and the Niagara Region.

