Marinus Veeneman, known to all as Ray, passed away peacefully at the age of 91 on December 30, 2024. Born into a family of six siblings, Peter (the late Rosemarie), Jack (Irene), Janny (Henk) Van Renssen, predeceased by brother Henk (Anneka), John (Margaret). Ray lived a long and fulfilling life, surrounded by loved ones and shaped by his passions for family, nature, and animals. Ray was predeceased by his beloved wife, Helen (November 2004). Together, they built a life filled with love and adventure. Ray was a devoted father to his four children: John (Linda), Jeannette, Raymond (Denise), and Jeff (Sharon). He was a proud Opa to Kaarina, Braeden, Matthew, Ryan, Jayson, and Jennifer, and cherished his time spent with them, creating lasting memories. And, great-grandfather to Olivia and Charlie. In the mid-1970s, Ray fulfilled his dream of building a beautiful home on 25 acres of land in Belwood. There, he and his family enjoyed the peace and beauty of country living, where his love for animals and horses flourished. Ray’s passion for horses and his connection to nature were constants in his life, bringing him both joy and a deep sense of purpose. In later years they sold the farm and moved into Fergus where they could eventually retire. Ray was proud to say that he worked at Ford Motor Company of Canada for over 25 years. He would like to reminisce about his youth and his days at Ford. In town, Ray would often talk about how well he got along with most animals. We would often see neighbourhood dogs stop in during their walk to say hello to dad. Ray will be remembered for his quiet strength, and his unwavering love for his family. He touched the hearts of many and will be deeply missed by all who knew him. Visitation was held on Thursday, January 9, 2025 from 11am until 1pm at the Graham A. Giddy Funeral Home, 280 St. David Street South, Fergus, with a funeral service that took place in the Funeral Home chapel at 1:15pm. Interment will follow at Belsyde Cemetery in Fergus.