VAN DER ZANDE, Johannes “Joe”

VAN DER ZANDE, Johannes “Joe” Passed away after a brief but courageous battle with cancer on May 18, 2018, in Korat, Thailand. Joe was born in Apeldoorn, Netherlands on November 5, 1938, to Johannes and Wilhelmina van der Zande and had 4 siblings Henk (Hendrik), Lies (Elizabeth), Minie (Wilhelmina) and Lenie (Leentje). He is predeceased by his parents, sister Lenie and eldest son Rudy (twin brother of John). Joe and Dienie (Bouwmeester) had 8 children together including two sets of twins John, Rudy (d), Diana, Estee, Robert, Marie-Jose, Renate and Simone, 17 grandchildren, Joshua, Amanda (John), Chad, Catherine (Diana), Meghan, Abigail, Stephanie (Robert), Dayna, Davin (Marie-Jose), Bianca, Gabrielle, Jack, Ryan (Renate), Benjamen, Mathew, Curtis, William (Simone) and two great grandchildren Ethan (Chad) and Samantha (Curtis). In his youth he was drafted and spent a short time in the Dutch Air Force.  Joe was a hardworking resourceful entrepreneur with a keen sense of adventure. He loved to farm, garden and was very good at building and developing properties. He was never afraid to share his point of view and would often be heard saying “I did it my way”. When his kids were young they would often roll their eyes when he shared his many Dutch proverbs for life lessons and experiences “Alles komt op zijn tijd “ – everything will come in its time. He loved to travel and lived in 4 countries in 3 continents during his lifetime. In 1977 he and his young family left the Netherlands, where they first operated a floral business and then a tv antenna construction business, to start on their first adventure in the south of Ireland, County Kerry to establish a farm and camp ground called ‘Atlantic Rock’ which had a beautiful view of the ocean. About 5 years later he moved with his young family to Southern Ontario, Canada and established and operated another farm. Joe and Dienie took their family to many parts of Canada and the U.S. to get to know the “neighbourhood”. When he retired he went on to another adventure to spend part of the year in Thailand to enjoy the warm weather and beautiful country. It wasn’t long before he built a house with his partner Wichuta Takod “Nida” and lived there permanently. A beautiful Buddhist celebration of life and funeral ceremony lasting several days shared by friends and family has taken place near his home in Nong Bua Lamphu, Thailand. In lieu of flowers or gifts please donate to a cancer society/hospital of your choice.