Died peacefully at his cottage in Wasaga Beach on December 2, 2022. A Bell Canada retiree, he lived 40+ years in Erin village. The ‘Colonel’ as John was sometimes called toured the countryside in the summer on his Honda Valkyrie motorcycle and in the winter on his snowmobile. He was a cat lover and horseshoe pitcher extraordinaire. He ran the very successful horseshoe pitching tournament at the Erin Fall Fair for many years. There were countless ‘good times’ with his Coliseum curling buddies, his Erin slo-pitch team, all his friends at The Legion, the Bush and in the Wasaga and Erin communities. John is remembered for his big smile and warm humour. There will be a Celebration of Life on the first weekend of July 2023 at Wasaga. He will be missed by many.