North Wellington Bowl for Kids Sake launched Feb. 8

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Wellington held the Bowl for Kids Sake campaign kick-off on Feb. 8 at the Mount Forest Bowling Centre.

Organizers thanked Perth-Wellington MP Gary Schellenberger, Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece, Minto Mayor George Bridge and Wellington North Mayor Andy Lennox for helping to kick-off this year’s campaign. The day included 34 teams with 153 bowlers and raised $10,813.

Several long-time Minto-Mapleton Bowl for Kids supporters were unable to join for the kickoff but will be bowling on one of the other community bowling days, so organizers expect the total raised to increase.

Organizers thanked all those who came out in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ largest fundraising event.

Many participants also supported the Hawaiian Luau theme and the brightness and colour they brought inside the bowling alley was a great contrast to the dreary day outside, organizers note.

BBBS of North Wellington is now well on its way to reaching its fundraising goal of $60,000 this year.

The Mount Forest community will be bowling on Feb. 22 beginning at 11am, with the Arthur community taking part on March 1 starting at 12pm.

In addition to the community challenges, local school challenges will be happening over the next month.

To register a team or make a donation, contact the BBBS office at 519-323-4273 or email for more information.

History of Bowling in North Wellington

The Arthur group actually started to bowl in 1976 however no records were kept and it was primarily individuals not teams bowling.

1986-1994: Arthur Community bowled in Fergus. Their first year (after records kept) they raised $1,538.

1987; Palmerston began to bowl and did so at Webb’s Lanes in Listowel. Organizers raised $1,000 with seven people bowling. The following year the event moved to Webb’s Lanes Mount Forest.

1994: Mount Forest community began to bowl and the first year raised $3,200.

1995: The Arthur group had grown and Fergus bowling centre was no longer able to accommodate theme so the event moved to Webb’s Lanes Mount Forest.

2002: The Lawrences purchased the Bowling Centre from Ernie Webb and it became the Mount Forest Bowling Centre.
