‘No parking’ signs to remain on Gore Road; additional parking area unlikely

While it might seem a nice idea, the prospect of parking provisions to access a shortcut into the Fletcher Creek Ecological Preserve is doubtful.

The idea of providing parking on the Gore Road side of the Fletcher Creek Ecological Preserve (FCEP) in Puslinch came up again at the April 6 council session.

Mayor Dennis Lever noted councillor Matthew Bulmer originally brought up the issue.

Councillor Wayne Stokley said at the previous council session, it was suggested it is the township’s responsibility to look after that stretch of road.

However, in conferring with Puslinch roads superintendent Don Creed, Stokley said that section of the Puslinch boundary road is not maintained by the township – but rather by Hamilton Region to the south. Bulmer agreed it is an important piece of the puzzle.

“Even though it is ‘our road’, we have a road sharing agreement … and that portion of the road is being maintained by Hamilton.”

Councillor Susan Fielding added the Hamilton Conservation Authority is not conducive to changing the existing parking situation.

Lever said originally council had thought if the secondary entrance off of Gore Road could be widened, it might address the situation.

Even then, vehicles would be backing into traffic.

The letter from Gord Costie, Hamilton Conservation Authority’s director of conservation area services, stated, “I took the issue to our CAO and to our manager of design and development, Sandy Bell for additional input. We are unanimous in our vision for Gore Road parking near the old laneway – currently posted ‘No Parking’ and gated with comments below.”

Costie noted “sight lines have proved difficult along this section of road and vehicle speeds frequently exceed the posted limit. Accidents have occurred nearby.”

Further, he said,, “Each side of the old laneway does have environmental issues of wetland and falls away from the roadway. Construction may not be permitted or difficult.”

Costie stated, “This would essentially require the building of a new parking lot – and we have already built a parking lot location on the west side of the FCEP built approximately 2005. In short – I am not sure where HCA would be able to accommodate further to this passive recreation area that has no opportunity or current interest for a user fee station to offset costs.”

Bulmer said the original idea of having parking on Gore Road would allow access to a shorter route through the preserve – such as for older people.

He also noted that regardless of who maintained the road, it would still be the Puslinch parking bylaw which would remain in effect.

Stokley asked whether it would be in the township’s best interests to send a letter to Hamilton to possibly look at the road regarding signs.

Lever said Puslinch council had discussed it likely wasn’t safe to allow parking on the road, so he was not certain he could support asking the city to permit it.

Stokley said he was attempting to touch all the bases … so residents understood council had tried everything.

Bulmer wondered about sending a letter to the Hamilton Conservation Authority to see if at point in the future consideration might be given to construction of a small parking area off of Gore Road.

He also understood from Costie’s letter that was not the plan of the conservation authority at this time.

“It sounds like the issue is squarely in the hands of the conservation authority.”
