A notice of intention to designate 33 Henderson Street in Elora under the Ontario Heritage Act was passed with little discussion by Centre Wellington council’s committee of the whole on Jan. 18.
Township planner Mariana Iglesias explained the request for designation is based on cultural heritage value to the community.
She noted Heritage Centre Wellington recommended council state an intention to designate the building under the Ontario Heritage Act.
The currrent owners of the building had no objection to the designation. The building is currently for sale.
The planner’s report states, “Although condition of a property is beyond the scope of staff’s and the heritage committee’s evaluation of heritage value, it may be worthwhile to note that the owner has indicated that a structural assessment was conducted for the building by a qualified structural engineer and the current condition of the building does not preclude the potential for successful stabilization, repair and future re-use.”
The 30-by-36-foot building dates back to the middle of the 19th century and is considered significant as an example of the “regency gothic” style.
It was constructed in 1863 for Elora’s Baptist Church but has not served as a church since the 1880s.
Under a heritage designation, attributes to be protected include:
– height and massing of the original 1863 one-storey building;
– low pitched gabled roof;
– locally manufactured soft red and buff brick exterior;
– classically proportioned Palladian window fenestration pattern (six-over-six double hung) with buff brick “eyebrow” lintels;
– buff brick lintels over former door and window openings on south (former front) facade;
– buff brick roundel on the former front facade;
– dichromatic pilasters/buttresses; and
– projecting eave returns on gable ends.