No complaints heard about village BIA’s expansion proposal

A public meeting to consider the expansion of the Elora Business Improve­ment Area here on July 14 attracted little interest.

Deputy-Clerk Kerry O’Kane told council there she had received no corres­pondence about the proposal, or requests to speak to council.

When Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj asked for comments, BIA executive member Marty Van Vliet said that there had been open meetings to hear concerns about the expansion, and, “There wasn’t any.”

Councillor Fred Morris asked how many new properties will be added.

Van Vliet said there are six new businesses.

Business Improvement Are­as receive special levies based on assessment, and a board elected from the property owners decides how those funds are to be spent in beautification processes.

Van Vliet said the reason for the expansion came because when the BIA was first formed in Elora back in the 1990s, the businesses now being included were all houses. Only commercial operations pay the BIA levy.

Ross-Zuj, looking at the first of four public meetings and a long agenda, commented, “I hope the rest of the night goes as smoothly as this has.”

O’Kane said anyone who wants to comment about the proposal has some time. Council’s committee of the whole will hear the proposal on Sept. 8, and council will consider the bylaw on Sept. 15.

Anyone who wants to comment has until noon on Sept. 3 to be placed on the agenda for the committee meeting.

