Nitrate levels high at Mini Lakes

A lack of people might be one of the reasons why the wastewater treatment plant here is not as efficient as it should be.

On Sept. 7 councillors reviewed correspondence from Hans Groh on wastewater treatment report by Stantec Consulting regarding Mini Lakes.

The report examined effluent levels over that past 12 months in comparison to the site’s Certificate of Approval.

Councillor Ken Roth said the report indicates nitrate levels have exceeded compliance levels for the past four quarters.

While there are continued efforts to stabilize and reduce those concentrations, Roth said they do not appear to be sufficient.

The report said levels are actually lower than the previous quarter.

“What is our next step here?” Roth asked.

He recalled at the last meeting with their hydro geologist, councillors were told there are more nitrates in the water system more of the time.

“Would this be a contributing factor?” he asked.

Mayor Dennis Lever believes that discussion was about salts, not nitrates.

Still, Roth contended, the nitrate levels have exceeded compliance over a 12 month period.

Lever said, “They certainly have some issues there.”

One outlined in the report, is the wastewater treatment plant is operating at less than half of the capacity it was designed for, Lever said. He said the plant is designed for the capacity of the entire development, projected at 400 homes.

The occupancy level is lower than that, he said.


