The past couple of days have been a rather interesting time for me. The weather has finally warmed…
A widening gap
A major negative factor in our financial system is the growing economic inequality, which…
My dog Scout is the best psychotherapist that I have ever met. No other bond in my adult life can…
Rain, rain, go away
Rain, rain, go away; come again some other day. So rhymed the poetic selection of a simple little…
Fresh thinking
Certainly it appears presumptuous for an ordinary economist such as this columnist to criticize…
The osprey are back
It used to be the return of the robin that signified spring to me, but now it’s the return of…
When I was in high school, it wasn’t okay to be a homosexual, though my best friend was.…
A good indicator
Changes in the commercial property market are a good forecaster of economic trends. Capital…
Mommyhood truths
Mother’s Day is Sunday. Don’t forget because nobody can guilt you with deadly precision…
Blue indigo mood
When I arose this past morning, the sun had no intention of peeking through the heavy cloud cover…
Alarm bells
Recently-released economic statistics should trigger alarm bells in Canada. Our nation’s…
Assembly required
It wasn’t long ago that the Carpenter’s man-stove, also known as the barbecue, went up…
The weekend previous to the time of this writing, both my phone and e-mail were inundated by…
What it takes
This side of Heaven it is impossible to determine which career is the most valuable. Who is to say…
Building department
The greatest challenge about being in a committed relationship is the fine art of compromise.…