It rained last Sunday morning, not hard, just a steady drizzle, but it was a little too cool for me…
Is small really beautiful
Several years ago a book entitled Small Is Beautiful written by E.F. Schumacher tried to make case…
Clutter free
I have a confession to make: I am a nostalgic holder-on of things. I am a saver, a stacker, and a…
Clippity-clop, clippity-clop, clippity-clop was the only sound I heard as we pulled up to a…
Palmerston railway station a victim of fire in 1909
The old Canadian National station in Palmerston is high on the list of significant landmarks from…
Information overload through technology
The data that confront us on the internet simply are mind boggling. Much of it is of no interest or…
The M word
Every day is Mother’s Day. Do you know how I know that? Because every day, somebody yells the…
Double whammy
Boy, oh boy, was the weekend of April 29 a busy one for me. It all started off on the Friday as I…
Ministers son ran a bizarre provincial election campaign in 1910
One of the more bizarre political campaigns in the history of this county was that of Joel Marvin…
The culprits causing unemployment
With unemployment remaining stubbornly high, there is no shortage of scapegoats. Some blame the…
Birds are back
Due to the topsy-turvy ups and downs of the weather, the birds have been slow coming back to our…
Looking back: Fergus hosted a big Victoria Day celebration in 1911
Today Victoria Day to most people means a Monday holiday and a display of fireworks. A century ago…
Crooked investment is simply bad for business
Many years ago a stockbroker, benefitting from some insider information, made a sizable profit. His…
Green green
Green, green, beautiful green – I love the many colours of green in the spring. It seems that…