Without doubt, for many decades the Ministry of Immigration has been among the worst branches of…
Royal advice
My invitation did not arrive. I was not on the Royal Wedding guest list. It’s okay. I…
Snow, snow
Snow, snow, go away, go away and be sure to stay. That was my thought when I looked out my window…
Mount Forest doctor was acquitted on 1868 murder charge
Murders and homicides have not been common in Wellington County’s history. Many years may…
Horribly inefficient
There are innumerable examples of non-profit organizations that usually are advised to become more…
Mommy Day
In honour of Mother’s Day, I feel it is time to admit to my children the one thing I know to…
No, No, I am not really lazy; I’ve just been outside preparing a brand-new garden in soils…
Argument in Mount Forest resulted in second 1868 homicide
Last week’s column outlined the trial and acquittal of Mount Forest’s Dr. Samuel Dunbar…
Enduring pitfalls are visible during this so called economic recovery
At first glance, the North American economy appears to be on a recovery path. Modest gains in…
Badges of honour
When I was 8, I promised to do my best, to do my duty, to God, the Queen and my country. I was a…
Well, folks, here I am, sooner than I thought, aching a lot and bragging a bit. It just so happens…
Derailed car of coal plugged CNR line in Guelph in 1953
Back in 1953, the railways were still vital to the local transportation system. Although passenger…
A good corporate board is critical
Given the news recently, it is obvious that all too frequently corporations either accidentally, or…
Superior facts
Here are some little-known, amazing facts that most of us never realize, sent to me through the…
Crop circles
Happy Birthday Queen Victoria. Thank you for giving us Canadians a completely irrelevant excuse to…