Nearly two years ago, I reported my son, Alan, became seriously ill. It progressed so fast he had…
Bank failure led to suicide of West Luther farmer
Over the years, this column has covered the history of some of the private banks that did business…
Downsizing becoming a new trend
Downsizing has become the newest trend in the business world. Clearly, it is a reflection of…
Outstretched hands
Recently I received a letter from Partners International, appealing for funds for an orphanage in…
Costa Rica
From a writer friend of mine, who has wintered in Costa Rica, comes a five-page email, excerpts of…
Hillsburgh men passed counterfeit money in 1864
Only the very oldest readers of this column will remember the time when the Canadian chartered…
The new reality of job seeking
In view of the business downturn, young workers nowadays entering the workforce must contend with a…
Doctors and children
Almost two weeks ago, distress hung over me like a Scottish fog over Fergus. The next day would…
Orica I
I’ve never met a man that I didn’t try to learn to like, but there are times when pity,…
Statistical records can be useful to historians
A continuing argument among professional historians concerns the value and place of statistical…
Notwithstanding horoscopes; birthdates can make a difference
Many of us read our horoscopes, perhaps furtively, in order to predict our future. While our date…
Eyes: treasures of a lifetime
Lying flat on my back, I looked into a whirl of changing colours as the surgeon cut into my eye and…
Orica II
Seldom am I impressed with delegation presentations to council. Facts and figures are not always…
1905 accidental electrical death was costly for Palmerston
Electrical generating plants began operation in most of Wellington County’s towns during the…
Repeatedly it has been stated that there are striking parallels between the financial crises in…