Theatre Guelph presents the final show of its fourth season here on Feb. 8. The play is…
McCrae House tea Feb.14
Guelph – Treat a Valentine to afternoon tea at McCrae House on Feb. 14 at 2pm. Museum…
Heritage Day at museum offers tribute to Fergus’ 175th anniversary
The Wellington County Museum and Archives celebrates Heritage Day and the 175th anniversary of…
Local actors to present Puss in Mukluks
More than 30 people are busy preparing for Elora Community Theatre’s next offering Puss in…
Local public health unit takes part in rabies investigation
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health is participating in an investigation regarding rabid…
It’s time to celebrate Food Freedom Day
February 3 is Food Freedom Day. Recognized annually, Food Freedom Day is the date when the…
Firefighters get deal
Council here has approved a new pay agreement with the town’s firefighters. Council approved…
Wellington North council to consider its options on bridge construction
When it comes to bridge replacement in Wellington North, councillors here are willing to consider…
Static over whether council should cling to Wellington North Power
Wellington North Power discussions are causing some static for councillors here.…
Township hikes burning permits fees 150% to $25 a year
When Centre Wellington council began considering a $15 increase to its $10 burning permit,…
Nestle cleared over private well complaint
Puslinch councillors are pleased Nestlé Waters Canada has addressed problems at a private…
Council backs works department over road clearing priorities
When there is a heavy snowfall, the roads are the first priority for clearing in Centre Wellington.…
Township closes deteriorating bridge
The problem of crumbling infrastructure hit home in Centre Wellington Township again on Monday when…
Rising auto theft crimes cause police to issue car theft prevention tips
WELLINGTON CTY. – Auto theft is a growing problem, and police warn Canadians…
Vandals left 3,000 homes without Internet service
At about 2am on Sept. 12, vandals sent a 120-foot communications tower crashing to the ground here.…