MAPLETON – Water and wastewater costs for the typical Mapleton residence will increase over 20% under a new rate structure approved by council.
Following a review of rates, council has revised the existing water and wastewater rates, with changes set to take effect Aug. 1.
The rate structure has been revised to increase the base charges and decrease the volume charges, the township states in a notice to ratepayers.
Base charges for a residential household in Drayton with a standard sized 5/8” water meter will rise from $19.09 to $38.98. Wastewater base changes will also rise from $19.09 to $38.98.
In Moorefield, the base charge for a residence with a standard meter will rise from $22.04 $38.98 for both water and wastewater.
However, in both communities the volume changes will decrease from $1.98 to $1.80 (per cubic metre) for water and from $2.88 to $1.34 for wastewater up to 34 cubic metres.
Users over that volume will see rates decrease from $1.59 to $1.38 for water and from $2.30 to $1.03 for wastewater.
Under the new rates, a residential household in Drayton, with a standard sized 5/8” water meter that uses 23 cubic metres of water per two-month billing cycle, would see their bi-monthly bill rise from $188.14 to $228.14, an increase of 21%.