Wellington County has posted signs around the outskirts of town, reminding drivers that downtown Fergus remains open for business throughout the Tower Street bridge construction project.
“As the signs say, the bridge is closed…but downtown Fergus is open,” stated Jackie Fraser, Fergus BIA chair. “The Tower Street bridge closure has created some traffic challenges. We are very grateful that our loyal customers continue to shop downtown Fergus despite these challenges.”
The Fergus BIA is working with the county to try to minimize the disruption to downtown businesses for the duration of the project.
The BIA suggested a signage program that would get drivers’ attention and the county had the signs installed in early March.
“We really appreciate everyone’s support throughout this construction project,” added Fraser.
The Fergus BIA is a volunteer board of downtown property owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals passionate about the future of downtown Fergus. The BIA derives its income from special tax levies downtown property owners pay in addition to regular property taxes.
For more information contact Jackie Fraser at 226-383-7374 or via email to jfraser@frabertsfreshfood.com.