New pumper truck needed for Arthur

A new pumper truck for the Arthur Fire Department will likely be part of 2009 budget discussions in Wellington North.

A recent fire committee meeting noted that the 1986 pumper truck needs to be re­place and that the Ontario Fire Marshall’s office recommends replacement after 20 years and insurance is not available after a truck is 25 years old.

Further the committee said there is a year-and-half to two-year wait between the time of order and delivery of a replacement vehicle – which could cost $400,000 plus.

Councillor Ross Chaulk said the pumper needs to be replaced in the near future.

“This is certainly something we’ll be talking about in budget discussions.”

Mayor Mike Broomhead asked if the purchase was included as part of the municipality’s five year plan.

Chaulk said he did not remember.

However, he said the municipality has a standing amount dedicated within a reserve.

