New policy to guide ice time allocation

MAPLETON – Council here has reviewed a draft ice allocation policy meant to ensure local groups have fair access to the PMD Arena ice rink.

Mapleton residents and clubs are prioritized in the policy, “without prejudice, in a fair and equitable manner,” the draft states. 

The policy was initially drafted by Cristina Tomaino from Smith Valeriote Law Firm and has been reviewed by the township’s parks and recreation committee. 

“We have every hope that having this ice allocation policy in place will ensure that all ice user groups have fair access to ice time,” states a public works department report presented to council.

“As the ice time in our arena grows in popularity, this tool will serve to keep our ice rental service transparent.”

It outlines formulas and standards to guide how ice rental time is allocated to different groups and individuals to “maximize the potential of the PMD arena and ensure that equal opportunity exists regardless of gender,” the draft states. 

Before it was presented to council the draft was reviewed by Mapleton’s parks and recreation committee. 

“I think the committee loved the idea, all around the table, of this, maybe just making it a little less formal,” said councillor Michael Martin. 

The draft policy included Mapleton minor hockey teams as a priority group, which it stated must: “have constitutions; be incorporated; have an auditable annual financial statement; and be affiliated with a recognized regional, provincial or national organization.” 

The committee recommended organized Mapleton youth leagues without the above also be included. 

Public works director Jamie Morgan said the group had a “fairly long meeting” about the policy and offered suggestions such as including “legacy” groups – those that have been renting the ice for over five years – among the high-priority renters. 

These groups will annually be offered the same ice times they booked the previous year. 

Martin suggested adding Reach Forth Hockey League to the list of legacy groups. 

“They come from nearby but not necessarily just Mapleton,” Martin said. 

“It’s an alternative to minor hockey that avoids play on Sunday … It’s been a really valuable group, both to our facility and our community.” 

These changes to the draft are meant to “appreciate and honour those that are the existing user groups,” Martin said. 

The allocation policy will be reviewed annually. 

“If it doesn’t work exactly as we want, we can kind of tweak it moving forward,” Martin said. 

The draft will return to council in early August for approval. 

Morgan said the township is already receiving phone calls about booking ice time, and he asked council for the go ahead to start setting the coming season’s schedule. 

Martin and Mayor Gregg Davidson asked if there will be enough ice time to accommodate another team if a new local group formed. 

“We always have ice available,” Morgan said, but “it would be very late at night or very early in the morning.” 

The limited available times wouldn’t be enough to accommodate a new team, Davidson concluded. 
