New CW business directory coming

The Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce and the Township of Centre Wellington have received a Job Creation Partnership grant to develop a community business directory.


The directory is a joint project with the Chamber, the Township, the Fergus BIA, and the Elora BIA.

Heather Andrews is working as the businesses directory co-ordinator on this project. Information will be verified through telephone, e-mail, and even friendly and personable visits. Andrews’ term is slated to end July 31.

The last community business directory was issued in 2005, so officials felt it was time for an update. The purpose of the directory is to create a comprehensive data source for businesses large and small in Centre Wellington, with an agricultural section planned as well.

A business directory is a tool to attract business to Cen­tre Wellington and to promote business-to-business networking in the area. The public and other businesses often ask for a list of companies in town and it is a great business practice to provide current information.

There is no cost to business owners to be listed in the directory.

At a later date organizers will be looking for advertisements to go into the booklet.

Copies of the directory will also be available for listed businesses once completed.

“We’re really excited to have this project up and running,” said Michael Weinstein, president of the Centre Well­ington Chamber of Commerce.

“It will be very beneficial to the community as a whole and will be a valuable resource to know what services are available in the community.”

Organizers suggest if a business is large or small – let organizers know about it so  customers can find it. If  in the process of moving or changing an Internet service provider, let the officials know that so they can keep the database current.

Expects a phone call or email from Andrews in the next while.


