New call for National Wall of Remembrance

Arthur’s historical society is taking up the challenge to support Well­ington North Township’s bid to host a national wall honouring soldiers and peacekeeper.
The Arthur and Area His­torical Society letter recently sent to council supports the idea of having such a wall locat­ed in Canada’s Most Pat­riotic Village.
The group is also urging support from local schools and the Arthur Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Included in council’s correspondence was a letter from so­ciety secretary David Stack to Prime Minister Stephen Har­per, to endorse the idea of the National Memorial Wall of Names, and to make a case for locating such a wall in Arthur.
In the letter, he wrote, “Our Canadian war cemeteries in Europe are beautiful, solemn and popular places that few Canadians will see. We do need a national shrine to our fallen.”
“If the Memorial Wall be­comes a reality, Arthur, Ontario would be an excellent location.”
“The village was recog­nized as ‘Canada’s Most Patri­otic Village’ by the Toronto Star in its November 2, 1942 edition for two reasons. 116 of its 836 citizens were in uniform which led the nation on a per capita basis.
Also, Arthur Village had led the country in selling out its quota in the first War Bond Drive.”
“Today, Arthur is a beautiful village in central Canada at the junction of two highways. The mayor and council of the amalgamated community of Wellington North are solidly behind this project and would facili­tate finding a suitable site.”
“The Arthur and Area Historical Society believes that there should be a National Wall of Names to our soldiers and peacekeepers, and that the wall should be in Arthur, Ontario.”
While Mayor Mike Broom­head commented the letter was before council mainly as information, he believes the idea seems to be moving ahead.
