Rev. Robert Graham, director of Georgian Native Outreach Ministries will be sharing his experiences at the Knox Presbyterian Churches in Palmerston and Drayton on May 27.
His ministry provides Native reserves with blankets and school packs, and also provides camps for children and teens. They have three main camp sites; one is at Riverview Camp at Scone (near Chesley), one is at Awana Landing near Parry Sound and the third is at Dorothy Lake Camp near Kirkland Lake.
The Northern Camps, under the directorship of Harvey Delport, have seen especially rapid growth in the last several years.
The public is invited to attend either May 27 presentation and are invited to stay for lunch afterwards in Drayton.
Graham will talk about the approach to reconciling work with Aboriginal Canadians and also explain how one can participate in and assist with this outreach. Bob will also share a message from Jeremiah 29:1-7 entitled Be Missional: Living out the Promised Land.