National colouring contest encourages fun family learning

The 14th annual Family Literacy Day takes place on Jan. 27 to encourage families to engage in at least 15 minutes of learning together on a daily basis.

The ABC Life Literacy Canada and Postmedia Raise-a-Reader have come together to present the Family Literacy Day Colouring Contest.

The contest offers an opportunity for families to practice their literacy skills. Starting Dec. 14, families across Canada can download the contest entry form at, colour it in and answer the fun image-related questions together.

Completed entries can be sent to ABC Life Literacy Canada for a chance to win one of 13 prize packs. The contest runs until Jan. 31.

All Canadians are invited to take a learning journey for Family Literacy Day 2012. It’s easy to make learning part of your daily life.

For more information, including resources, more contests and event listings, visit

