Centre Wellington has once again authorized the Elora Fire Fighters Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser on Aug. 24 from 8:30am to 4pm. The toll booth will be at the Metcalfe Street bridge in Elora.
Both Wellington County roads committee and police services board support such activities – provided they adhere to requirements of the Safe Streets Act and the Highway Traffic Act.
Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj said that last year, the Elora and Fergus fire stations raised close to $15,000 between two toll booths (one in Elora and one in Fergus).
Before approving the fundraiser, councillor Kirk McElwain just wanted to ensure that work on County Road 7 would need to be complete and reopened.
The county road was scheduled to close for up to four weeks to deal with work required in the reconstruction of the Elora sewage treatment plant.
Councillor Mary Lloyd asked how work on the Tower Street bridge will impact the fundraising efforts of the Fergus firefighters.
Typically, that group had held a toll booth on the Tower Street bridge immediately following the Labour Day weekend.
Ross-Zuj said she had heard of no alternate plans at this point. “We’ll get that information for you,” she added.