Minto’s municipal council costs are well into the six digits from a look at the costs from December 2008 to November 2009.
In that time, the total cost incurred by municipal councillors is up $20,000, now reaching $138,745. During the year prior, total cost incurred by council was $118,560.
Just under half of those costs were incurred by Mayor David Anderson ($27,845) and deputy-mayor Judy Dirksen ($27,835). Of the council expenses, only David Turton’s year end bill went down from one year to the next, roughly $1,000
Below are the expenses incurred by each member of council.
Mayor David Anderson
– $27,845 ($24,169 for 2008/2009); $11,440 (base pay), $13,400 (per diem meetings), $2,640 (conventions, seminars, and expenses), $364 (mileage).
Deputy-mayor Judy Dirksen
– $27,835 9$21,686 for 2008-2009); $9,440 (base pay), $14,545 (per diem meetings), $2,752 (conventions, seminars and expenses), $1,098 (mileage).
Councillor Barb Burrows
– $17,078 ($14,957 for 2008-2009); $8,440 (base pay), $7,415 (meetings), $1,223 (conventions, seminars and expenses), $0 (mileage).
Councillor Rick Hembly
– $19,508 ($15,448 for 2008/2009); $8,440 (base pay), $7,285 (meetings), $2,819 (conventions, seminars and expenses), $963 (mileage).
Councillor Wayne Martin
– $16,171 ($13,846 for 2008/2009); $8,440 (base pay), $7,670 (meetings), $61 (conventions, seminars and expenses), $0 (mileage).
Councillor Dave Turton
– $14,173 ($15,108 for 2008/2009); $8,440 (base pay), $3,255 (per diem meetings), $1,914 (conventions, seminars and expenses), $563 (mileage).
Councillor Tammy Reiner
– $16,132 ($8,314 for 2008/2009); $8,440 (base pay), $6,340 (per diem meetings), $1,352 (conventions, seminars and expenses), $0 (mileage).
For Reiner, the difference between expenses last year and the previous year is that she only served part of that year, having replaced councillor Larry Agla who passed away during his term of office.
In comments following the presentation of the report, Anderson said the high per diem payments were a result of numerous special meetings dealing with grant applications.