MORRISTON – Minister of Transportation Caroline Mulroney made the trip to the MTO public works garage in Morriston to announce that Dufferin Construction is the successful bidder for the new interchange on the Hanlon Expressway between Maltby Road and Wellington Road 34.
The interchange is the first phase of a three-phase project that will eventually include a bypass through Morriston.
“We need transportation infrastructure in place,” Mulroney said.
“By 2050, 15 million people will call the Greater Golden Horseshoe home.”
The interchange project also includes a traffic circle at Wellington Road 34 and Concession 7.
This work is to begin by summer.
The second phase of the project will include new interchanges at Hwy 401 and Highway 6 and Mulroney said and this phase could potentially be complete by 2025.
She added the design work for the Morriston bypass is underway but couldn’t name a start or end date for the bypass.
“This will unlock our industrials lands,” said Mayor James Seeley. “I look forward to seeing shovels in the ground.”
Wellington-Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott noted a bypass around Morriston has been talked about for some 40 years – and finally it is seeing the light of day.
“This is the busiest two-way stretch of highway in the province,” Arnott said.

Puslinch councillors came to hear the announcement. From left: councillors James Sepulis, Jessica Goyda and Sara Bailey, Mayor James Seeley, transportation minister Caroline Mulroney and Wellington-Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott. Photo by Joanne Shuttleworth