Move to water meters accelerated

Council here has approved a move to speed up the switch from flat rate to metered water in the municipality.

In March, council approved a proposal from Neptune Technology Group to implement the installation of meters.

At the May 21 meeting, treasurer Gordon Duff said the original plan was to install the meters in Palmerston, Harriston, Clifford and the Minto Pines subdivision over a period of about four years.

However, Duff reported while drawing up the final contracts for the project, the contractor suggested an accelerated schedule, beginning this summer and working straight through until meter installation was complete in about a year.

“This would entail doing installation during the winter, likely with snow on the ground and cold temperatures,” said Duff, adding public works staff would be busy with snow removal and road maintenance and would not have time to assist with the water meter project.

Instead, town staff proposed a modified version of the accelerated schedule, which would see work on Palmerston and Minto Pines completed in 2013 and Harriston and Clifford in 2014.

Duff noted the accelerated schedule would mean the switch to meters will impact water customers earlier than planned. “We’d have to get up to the top rate much quicker,” he said.

“Basically, full cost rates would be required by 2014, rather than 2017,” Duff reported. He also noted the move will require an amendment to the 2013 capital budget to approve additional levels of debenture funding for the project in the fall of 2013.

“This would have the advantage of taking advantage of the very low interest rates currently in effect for long-term borrowing,” Duff stated, noting the move will not impact the municipal tax levy.

Council approved a recommendation to accept the modified work schedule and directed the treasurer to present an adjusted capital budget before proceeding with the related debenture funding.
