This community will again have a volunteer trail committee after council appointed 10 individuals to a group to be known as the Mount Forest Trail Volunteers.
The approval was given at the June 17 council meeting.
The effort was spearheaded by resident Bob Armstrong after he met with the township recreation and culture advisory committee.
Committee chair and councillor Sherry Burke welcomed the formation of the group and with the names in place the township will be able to provide insurance coverage for the members when they do work on the trail system. It’s a similar set up with the trail committee in Arthur.
“Thanks to those volunteers,” Burke said.
Councillor Dan Yake highlighted the work that has been done by both trail committees.
“They’re doing tremendous work,” said Yake.
The Mount Forest group will remove downed trees and identify and deal with noxious weeds and maintain the trails.
The Arthur group has been working on putting its trails together, including building bridges where needed and erecting signs to point out where the trails can be found.