Mount Forest offers community barbecue to support mental health

On Sept. 10, people will gather in communities all across Canada and in over 50 countries around the world to show their support to recognize World Suicide Prevention Day.

On that day, people are reminded that taking a minute, can change a life.

It is estimated that each day in Canada, 11 people end their life and 210 make a suicide attempt.

Suicide occurs across all age, economic, social and ethnic boundaries.

The pain that leads individuals to take their lives is unimaginable.

Their deaths leave countless family and friends bereaved and their communities forever impacted.

The Suicide Awareness Council of Wellington Dufferin and the HOPE (Healthy Opportunities Promoting Empowerment – Destigmatizing Mental Health) Committee for Wellington North and Minto invite everyone to find a way to spread the message that help, hope, and healing are possible.   

The Suicide Awareness Council and HOPE Committee are partnering on a community barbecue on Sept. 8 from 11:30am to 1:30pm at M & M Food Market on Main Street in Mount Forest.  

Everyone is invited to come by and enjoy the barbecue for a donation to the HOPE Committee.  

“This is a great opportunity to show your support for mental health awareness and suicide prevention in your community,” organizers say.

“Suicide prevention occurs every minute of every day throughout the year.  

“Our collective actions and words give a powerful voice to the difference each and every one of us, alone and together, can make in bringing meaningful hope to those struggling and at risk.  

This community event is another way that the HOPE Committee strives to create opportunities for people to talk about mental health through community events, information sharing and advocating for services in Wellington North.
