More auditions at Century Church Theatre

Century Church Theatre here is holding open auditions for its Summer Festival Season on Dec. 10, at 10am at the theatre.

Actors will need to be available for weekday matinees and daytime rehearsals. An honorarium will be paid.

Late Flowering, by John Chapman and Ian Davidson, directed by David Glover, will play July 11 to 22, with rehearsals starting June 25.

Roles to be filled are three females aged 35 to 60. Rehearsal times during the final week of June may be adjusted to accommodate teachers still in school.

Nobody’s Perfect, by Simon Williams, directed by Jo Phenix, will play August 15 to 26, with rehearsals starting on July 30. Roles to be auditioned are a teenage girl, age 14 to 16, and a woman 35 to 45.

Auditions will consist of readings from the scripts. No monologues are required. More details, and a link to excerpts from the plays is available on request to, or call 519-855-4586.

