On Monday, Centre Wellington council paid tribute to Trevor John Ashbee, who passed away Sept. 15.
Among his various roles, Ashbee was Centre Wellington’s first horticulturist, spreading his green thumb across the community.
Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj made the announcement of Ashbee’s passing at the start of council.
“I have to start the meeting with a very sad announcement. We had the passing of Trevor John Ashbee rather suddenly over the weekend.
“It’s been a very difficult time for family and staff, for all of us who worked with Trevor and knew him – on all different levels.”
Ross-Zuj said that on Saturday she travelled around Centre Wellington looking at all the different gardens and the beauty in the community.
She asked that council take a few minutes to stand in quiet reflection of Ashbee.
Ross-Zuj noted that funeral arrangements have been posted and visitation is on Thursday (afternoon and evening) at the Giddy Funeral Home in Fergus with the funeral on Friday at 11am at St. Johns church in Elora.
“He truly will be missed,” Ross-Zuj said.
Last year, Ashbee was featured on the cover of Inside Wellington.