MOE inspections show better results

Arthur and Mount Forest are doing better in the inspection reports of its water systems.
Commenting on the water sewer committee meeting, Works Superintendent Gary Williamson said  the Ministry of Environment has put together a method for measuring results from the an­nual water system inspections. Those re­sults are supplied annually to the township.
“The higher the score the better, but a lower score does not mean the water is unsafe – just that there is room for improvement” he said.
In the 2005-06 rating, Arthur scored 95.28% and Mount Forest 98.37%. In the 2006-07 evaluation both communities scored 100%.
The MOE has completed its annual inspection for Arthur and Mount Forest.
The inspection took almost a month due to the detail re­quir­ed.
Hollen Control who maintains the SCADA system, had to be brought in to supply and confirm specific information for the inspection.
