Model railroad display for three weekends

The­ Ab­erfoyle Junction 0-scale model railway show will be running here for the next three week­ends from 10am to 4:30pm.

Organizers invited everyone to visit a 1,500 square foot rail­way display depicting Southern Ontario in the late 1950s. The model railway features hand­built models at a scale of one quarter inch to one foot of both of Canada’s major railways, the Canadian National and the Canadian Pacific.

Visitors will see freight trains being made up in ter­minal yards and then switched along their routes. They will see passenger cars as they de­part major urban terminals and pass through suburban stations and small rural depots. Models of late steam locomotives and early, first generation diesels provide the power.

The trains run through scenic landscapes, passing fields, rivers, towns, and a large city, and even a part of the Niag­ara Escarpment.

Organizers suggest visitors might even recognize some of the industries and structures that represent many found in the local area.

There is also a dusk-to-dawn night scene where the sun sets and the miniature world takes on a new life as homes and factories light up for the evening, and then it is lights-out for many as bedtime ar­rives. Visitors will also hear the lonely whistles of passenger trains with lighted cars as they continue running throughout the night. Then daybreak com­es and everything comes to life again for a new day.

The show’s dates are Oct, 18, 19, 25, and 26, and Nov. 1 and 2. Refreshments are avail­able, and there is a gift shop well stocked with mementos and Aberfoyle Junction souv­enirs. That includes a pro­fes­sionally made Aberfoyle Junc­tion video. Admission is $7 for adults, $4 for children, and $5 for students and seniors. The dis­play is located on Brock Road in Aberfoyle, just north of the Highway 401 exit (299) south of Guelph. Watch for signs. For further information:

