The Town of Minto is making plans to extend its agreement with Centre Wellington for the operation of the town’s wastewater treatment plants for at least one more year.
Since 2010, Minto has had an operating agreement with Centre Wellington to provide for operation of wastewater treatment facilities in Palmerston, Clifford and Harriston. Members of Minto’s public works staff are currently receiving training with the goal of eventually taking over operation of the facilities.
Public works director Brian Hansen reported at the Dec. 18 meeting that one Minto employee has reached the necessary certification level and another is expected to be certified by the end of 2013. The town requires 2.5 certified staff members in order to take over operation of the facilities.
“We’ll do a one-year contract. Coming up, their contract ends at the end of this year (2012) and if we can go on a one year contract from here on in, that would be my recommendation until we can get another guy trained,” said Hansen.
Minto CAO Bill White said the agreement has been positive for the town.
“Centre Wellington continues to provide a good service at a reasonable price. There is a tremendous amount of goodwill and communication between the parties that will continue under the revised agreement,” stated White in a written report.
White noted the main differences between the new agreement and previous agreements will be to recognize Minto staff succession planning and “ensure sufficient operational hours are provided so that final certification of these employees is secured.”
The report notes the draft 2013 budget includes $261,000 to cover costs of the contract with Centre Wellington. A by-law authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign the agreement will be brought forward at a future council meeting.
“I think this just goes to show how you can work with other municipalities,” commented Mayor George Bridge, adding, “And we have to look at, from a town or municipality standpoint, as many of these partnerships as possible to make it work.”
Building departments are another area in which Minto and Centre Wellington have begun to share expertise and staff. Minto’s chief building official Terry Kuipers was appointed on a temporary basis last August to serve as a building official for Centre Wellington, in addition to his duties in Minto.
The move was made because of medical issues being experienced by Centre Wellington building department staff at a time when the township was experiencing a record year for building activity.