Minto grants request for severances for residential lots

Severances in Harriston might pave the way for some new homes in the area.

The severances endorsed recently by council are on Part Lot 88, Concession D.

Proposed by Wellington Construction, the change would create four residential lots while leaving a retained par­cel that is currently vacant.

Wellington County considered the precedent of allowing that number of lots to be created through the consent process rather than by way of subdivision. However, county officials wrote that if consent is granted, the following conditions must be imposed:

– that the official plan amendment is considered to be in full force and effect;

– zoning relief is obtained;

– the owner enters into a de­velopment agreement concerning the extension of all servicing;

– that stormwater management issues are addressed and a storm sewer easement is set;

– that John and Lorne Streets are extended and driveway access is provided; and

– any concerns of the Mait­land Valley Conservation Auth­ority are addressed.

Council recommended the severances be granted.

Mayor David Anderson said, “It is the continuation of developing housing in the  town of Harriston.”


