Minto Farmers’ Market opens June 1

MINTO – Fresh air and fresh food is a Minto Farmers’ Market promise, according to a recent social media post in which officials announced this year’s market will open on June 1.

The Minto Farmers’ Market started 2010 and will be celebrating its 14th season every Saturday, 9am to 12pm, from opening day to Sept. 28, at the Palmerston Railway Heritage Museum.

“This year we’re excited because we have a few new vendors, a few new smiling faces along with all of our regular favourites,” said Erin Raftis, marketing and community development coordinator with the Town of Minto.

The grand re-opening not only kicks off the farmer’s market season, but it will also include coffee and lemonade by donation, “little 81” train rides and a chance to enter a draw for the first Farmers’ Market Basket of the new season.

“Generous farmers give to our farmers market [baskets], so there’s lots of great goodies, fresh food and vegetables and little trinkets,” Raftis explained. “Each week, if you come to the market, you can enter your name in a draw and we’ll pick a winner every week.”

New events every month

The market will also have a special event every month, and the first one coming up is a Strawberry Social.

“You can get strawberry shortcakes, we’ll have activities for kids, little train rides and lots of fun stuff like that,” said Raftis.

The Strawberry Social is on June 22 at the Lions Park Pavilion across the train tracks from the farmer’s market.

“New this year we’re also trying to participate in Food Day Canada, which celebrates local food and reminds everyone that we have great things growing here in Canada, and encourages people to eat Canadian – and what a more perfect place to do that then at the farmers market,” Raftis added.

The market will also hold its Family Day and Breakfast on July 27, Library Day on Aug. 31 and Fall Fun Day on Sept. 28 to wrap up the 2024 season.

“All of our events will have live music, they’ll have activities for kids and your favorite vendors as always,” officials say.

Market boxes

On the “docket” again for this year’s market, according to Raftis, are market boxes. 

“That’s a partnership with Wellington County Taste Real and the pre-orders are already open,” she explained.

Products will be delivered in a Taste Real cooler bag – yours to keep – and all boxes cost $59 each and can be ordered online at

To stay up to date with the Minto Farmer’s Market, keep an eye on its Facebook page at