Minto celebrates completion of upgrades to three local wells

An official ceremony last week marked the completion of upgrades to the Pal­merston, Harriston, and Clifford well supply systems.

Perth Wellington MP Gary Schellenberger, Perth-Wellington MPP John Wil­kin­son, and Minto Mayor David Anderson were ­pleased to see the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure project completed.

The upgrades to the three well supply systems contribute to the health and safety of Minto residents by ensuring access to clean, safe drinking water.

Upgrades to the Pal­merston and Harriston supplies included installation of standby chlorination residual analyzers, alarms, turbity meters, and chlorine contact water mains.

Im­provements to the Clifford well supply system included the drilling of two new wells, construction of an elevated storage tank, as well as a pumphouse.

The federal and provincial governments each committed up to $439,807 to the project while Minto committed the balance of the remaining overall cost of $1,319,420.

“Our government is pleas­­ed to have contributed to the upgrading of these three local well supply systems,” said Schellenberger.

“This significant community initiative ensures improved health and quality of life for Minto residents.”

Wilkin­son added, “This rural infrastructure project is a wonderful ex­ample of how we are working together to strengthen and make rural Ontario more prosperous.”

Anderson said, “We are pleased to have worked with the federal and provincial governments to complete these improvements, which bring the well systems in compliance with the Ministry of Environ­ment regulations.”

