Minor soccer gearing up for another season of fun

The executive for Drayton Minor Soccer has met and determined the dates of registration, which will be in early March. Look for the ad in upcoming papers.

Soccer has always been a popular summer sport in the area, with about 250 local  youths participating.

We have made great use of the fields in Drayton and improved the location of the “Kiddie Kicker” fields last year.

They are now behind the baseball diamonds and are better protected from the other events going on in Drayton during the summer.

“We have worked hard to keep soccer running in Drayton, but it is hard for just a handful to do it effectively every year,” said organizer Cindy Martin.

“We would love to have you join us, as many hands make light work. We are especially in need of someone to organize and run the Kiddie Kicker program, or be a field manager and paint the fields or be in charge of the uniforms.”

Anyone interested is asked to contact Martin or another member of the Drayton Minor Soccer executive.
