Mini Lakes draft plans reviewed by councillors and proponents

Council here is satisfied with proposed changes to the Mini Lakes condominium site plan, but it still needs final approval from the County of Wellington.

On behalf of the proponents, Astrid Clos and Dianne Paron spoke about the revised draft plan of condominium application for Mini Lakes.

Clos said there have been a few minor changes.

“One of the changes since council saw the plan last time, is that there are now two future development areas where there were previously 36 lots.”

That change, Clos said, came about as a result of discussions with the GRCA, the county solicitor and the township engineer.

To address concerns, other conditions would need to be dealt with before the lots could be conveyed to purchasers.

Clos said there are interim conditions that allow the lots to be conveyed to the condominium or a developer should it need financing, but the final conveyance to the individual purchaser would not happen until GRCA permits and securities are in place.

The holding zone would have to be lifted as well to continue township and county controls.

The other positive change, Clos said is that when the original plan was approved, there were 42 undersized lots; now there are none.

Mayor Dennis Lever asked if the Wellington County planning department is satisfied with the changes.

Planner Sarah Wilhelm noted the comments were in circulation, with responses due by Oct. 14.

While Wilhelm said officially the department cannot state it is satisfied, she said the changes meet the spirit of earlier meetings.

