Mimosa United Church is seeking to become a rural learning centre this spring.
The church will be hosting a series of dinner lectures on the Great Cathedrals of England and France during April and May.
Rev. Jeff Davison will lead the group through films and lectures on some of the greatest architectural designs and structures dedicated to worship.
In addition to the Food for Thought, participants can enjoy a full course dinner before the lecture, which will be served by the UCW of Mimosa United Church.
Cost is a free will offering with all proceeds going to church functions and service in this community.
Interested parties may choose one, two or the complete series.
Registration is in advance of each lecture to ensure adequate dinners and seating. Seating is for 50 participants only, on a first to register basis.
Those planning to attend the lecture only need not register. The the lecture and film begin at 7:30pm.
The lectures run on Wednesdays, April 11, 18, 25 and May 2, from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
For more information, contact June Switzer at 519-855-4201 or email jswitzer@sentex.net.