Meeting to consider sewage request

Well­ing­ton North council will set up a meeting to consider a septage handling request from a local business.


Recent water and sewer committee minutes note public works manager Gary William­son informed committee  mem­­bers of a request by JJ McLellan & Son, for a meeting to discuss approval to dump sep­tage at the Mount Forest plant. Currently, HFI Services, of Mount Forest, has an agreement to dump effluent from portable toilets at the plant.

However, at this point McLellan’s does not know what volume it would haul.

Williamson said the new plant was built to accommodate residential septage from Wellington North and dumping volumes are tracked electronically for billing purposes.

Concerns were raised about how township staff would know what is being dumped, and from where. The committee agreed to a meeting with McLellan’s to discuss a number of issues.

