McClintock trailer park applies for sewage upgrades

While councillors here agree that improvement to the septic services at a local trailer park are a good thing, they are concerned about rumours of expansion for the operation.

In early December, the township received reports from Correspondence from David Harsch of K. Smart Associates regarding an application for approval of private sewage works for the McClintock Trailer Park private sewage works.

The park currently operates without a certificate of approval for the system which comprises of a number of septic systems – each servicing group of trailers.

Discussions were held with Ministry of Environment offices in Guelph and Hamilton regarding the impact to shallow groundwater, surface water or deep water aquifer supplies.

K. Smart’s letter stated “The only notable impact is from the septic system at the Old Marina restaurant.”

While councillor Wayne Stokley thought the proposal was a good idea, he had concern whether this paved the road for expansion or other site use.

“I’m not too sure whether the document stated that at all.”

He wanted to ensure the use remained as it was, with no expansion.

Councillor Susan Fielding said she had a resident offer  the innuendo from the neighbourhood that [expansion] was what was coming next.

“But [the proponents] would have to deal with us first,” Fielding said.

Clerk Brenda Law clarified that what is being applied for is an upgrading/fixing of the existing system.

Stokley said any upgrades which make the system more current will probably help the lake “… and that’s a good idea.”

But he opposed the idea of any expansion in the future.

Lever noted that he’d also talked to township CBO Robert Kelly to determine his involvement on the issue.

“Because this involves more than 10,000 litres per day, he’s really out of the issue. It’s really a Ministry of Environment application.”

He explained the MOE drive the process and whether or not it is approved.

